Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More about Variable Data

In trying to get information about your clients and really who are your clients there are several ways you can collect this information.

One is have a calling group call your clients and ask for the information and why are they your client, the second is to send a return postcard asking the question and having them mail it back in, but the best is a PURL.

Personal URL, and this is asking the client to go to a website which is personalized to your client and asking them to fill out a questionare and then you will give them some promotional item for their time.

But now we have this persons real reason they are your client, we know income, kids, no kids, occupation, race, various questions of habit they have, sports or events they like and this PURL questionare should be several questions long from 8 to 12 question and no longer than 3 to 5 min to fill out.

But we now KNOW, and once we get several of these back then we can start looking for others with the same qualifications and send them personal variable data to turn these non clients into clients.

When Variable data does not work is when a blanket variable peace gets sent out and there is no need.
At my home a Dentist sent me a personalize letter, which as a marketing peace it did get opened and it did get read and for a few seconds I thought about our current dentist verses this new dentist and there was no reason for me to leave my current Dentist and threw the letter in the trash, never to be seen again!

But the letter did work, it just found no reason.

What should of happend?

Maybe a search of parents who have children ages 2 or 3 and they are looking for a Dentist for their children, or People new to a city within the last 2 years, but I've lived in my house almost 18 years have two teenagers and in my late 40's, this information is out there and who ever helped this dentist spent dollars which was not needed.

This is why having proper data is so important.

Thank you


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