Monday, May 10, 2010

An Observation

I have a 15 year old daughter, she has her phone, she has her Facebook, Twitter and all the other items electronically in the world! She never says, but I know she does get advertising sent to her on these electronic gadgets.

Now the 14 to 21 age group female are the largest spending group in the United States!

The other day a piece of mail came to my daughter from one of the clothing stores. It was personalized too her. It stated there was a sale on these days, and to get this kind of discount she needed to bring this coupon to the store to receive X.

She started running off, saying she needed to go to this store as she saw ...........................!

I asked as we were getting into the car, didn't she get this as a twitter?, email? or some other form of Internet galactic babble?

She said she didn't know as she has never read or remembered seeing any of this sent to her.
By this time we were at the mall, and we purchased the item or items shall we say, she wanted.

As we drove home I finished up and asked, "What made you made you want to go to the store to purchase this item's?"

Her comment was this! " Dad they sent me a letter with my name on it, and they knew I like this particular store! The showed me some clothes I really liked and wanted, and I could see the pictures and prices, and I had to have them!"

I guess the social media part is growing, but the new technology is PRINT!


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