Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Digital print / Direct Mail / Stop the world I want to get Off!

Marketing and Advertising is a very exciting and demanding business. I now have been  with my new company one month, and I'm slowly moving from selling ink on paper to a design and concepts to help people achieve their goals financially.

In reading yesterday when it comes to Digital Print it is interesting, as at first having your name printed on a card or marketing piece was kind of  cool and caught the individuals eye. (A purple Cow experience!) Then came PURL's personal URL's

The PURL and digital card works as we can get information off of the individual, but then again the info is brief and not in real depth of what is going on with the company, and it is still a situation which we can't hit the hot button of the client if they are not ready to buy.

This is where Digital Print and Direct mail is headed, as we want to have the information but lead the client, customer or end user to the point when they are ready to buy, they will pick our Customer to purchase their items.

How do we do this?

It is Data, Data, Data.

We have minimal information right now on almost everyone in the United State if they have a social security card and a mail box. This gives us income and a few other items, but now we have to know when the urge is to buy and what item they might want to purchase!

There are now capabilities to track the patterns of people, what they watch, what they read and what they buy.

This program knows if Chevy is selling the new Malibu and it sells for $23,000.00 we first know what demographics the car is targeted to. Now we look to look at children in the home, if the children are under the age of 14 or over the age of 19 then this is not the right family as the 19 year old is already in college or has a car and at 14 the parents are not looking yet to purchase a car.

But lets move the kids to 15 and 18, now the Parents are looking to either upgrade their car or the kids are getting a new car for their birthday or off to college.

But how do we get them to buy a Chevy verses a Honda for the same price?

We know viewing habits of this demographic, we know where they probably shop and what their bank account is.

And now we target these area with the proper commercial, we market inside the store with the right magazines and now we show the Malibu at the bank window advertising a low rate of interest.

We now have are targeted market starting to get uncomfortable and also aware of the product.

Now we do the direct mail piece as the buyer is ready to take a look, and they are ready to buy.

By the third mail piece to the home, Dad is talking Malibu and with an offer in the mail piece, it is time to entice the buyer into the dealership and we just did.

How is this all done?

Digital print, the magazines are printed to go to a certain type of a store, the bank lobbies have certain pictures of cars depending on location, the kid we know their age due to what they have filled out paper work in life.

We have now walked the client down the road to get them to walk into the dealership

Data, Data, Data

It is done daily and this Matrix system will only get better or worse!

But the excitement of building a plan which works is very rewarding


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New calls

Now that I've changed companies I'm now having to start over again, this doesn't bother me other than it is very hard work calling and talking to voice mails, sending out notes and trying to be on top of the game.

Well today the game and the call comes head to head as I have my very first appointment to speak about my new company. A person who has never heard of me, and have never heard of my new company.

The sweat begins!!!


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mailing list and more

In the raising money business it is a percentage business and your data is KING!

Here you go with some information.

We have programs which will bring you a bit over a 14% Return on the mail, and with this we also know we get around $18.00 per donation. With this information it becomes mathematics! You get $18.00 per envelope, you mail out 1000 envelopes you get $2520.00 in return, but the cost to produce might of been $5500.00 so you are now in the hole.

But lets look at 50,000 will net you $126,000.00 in donations and the cost to produce is about $15,000.00. Not a bad investment.

But lets say we rent the list and go prospecting, this only nets about a 1% to 2% return and now this 50,000 only nets you $9,000.00 and you are now back in the hole at it still cost you the $15,000.00 to produce the piece.
You see why the data and list is so important.

Direct mail is easier if you know the percentages you have to WIN and it is all about the WIN


Monday, June 7, 2010


As I have now started with a new company I'm finding new ways to mail!

One of the items I've learned about is the mailing list. I've always said we could find the clients for you and lets talk about demo graphics.

We can do this, but this is called prospecting, and  if you are prospecting than you will get a lower response rate, than you will if you have your own mail list.

I find if you get your own list we can use some of the products we have and we can get you up to a 14% return on the list.

If I have told you I could find you clients in the past, we can but only expect a 3% return instead of the 14%

More to come as I learn


Thursday, June 3, 2010

The new Adventure

Last week or last Monday I resigned from my company which I either owned or worked at for the last 28 years. It was not as hard to leave as I thought it should be, but I did it!!!!

But now I work for another company, and in no way shape or form am I a owner, a former owner, a potential owner with desire to own a company, I'm in sales for a company which does non profit and I'm so excited to really get started and today I got my computer and a office, so I'm blogging now but can't wait to make my first sales call.

To keep you all informed!!!!
